(From Safe Community Blog - Franco Arminio)
The paesologia is at war with words, is at war with abstractions. This is what I turn to for countries, not the interview is not the comment that I write a blog, not the email in which I complain, not the little phrase that I put on face book every now and then too. The paesologia comes when I think of death in the middle of an empty street, when I'm with the wind in your face, when I give a piece of my sandwich to a dog.
The paesologia is the illusion of finding mute souls, souls shattered by the clamor of the moment and not any talent shows by the cathode ray tube or google earth.
I know that the word now is like inflamed, it is no longer the distillate minutes of the flesh, is not the wonder with which we can tell the world, but a condition, a kind of tuberculosis in the mail that makes us cough ' unnecessary air verbs and adjectives that do not explain anything. It is a wasting disease that is growing more and more talk about a place our mind becomes intoxicated. With paesologia I try to offer to offer a remedy. It is the pharmacy of going outside, away from the screen, is the passing on the sidewalk where nobody goes, it's not sit where no one sits. The dialogue is well paesologo when the doors are closed, with cats, with those who do not keep up with the times.
Find countries that are shrunken or those that grow have been lost. I always try anyway and forms of existence in which someone able to give a bit of happiness to its failure.