Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yu-gi-oh!gx-duel Academy Gameshark

Wednesday 2 February: Presentation of comics to music Gietz. With Merlin, Cappelletti and Zecchinelli

Wednesday, February 2 @ Enolibreria by Jurka

Presentation to music of Gietz! comic Hannes Pasqualini and Andrea Campanella

will present the designer Hannes Pasqualini

The evening will be accompanied by live musicians Enrico Merlin, Cappelletti Mattia and Roberto Zecca.

19.oo opening Enolibreria>> aperitif km0 with genuine products of our clandestine T / earth, wine books to read & enjoy

20:30 & presentation live beginning


Gietz!, Graphic novel artist Hannes Pasqualini Bolzano and the Ligurian Andrea Campanella narrates the birth and rise of jazz in our country through the story of the trumpeter Nicholas Bertini giving us a successful portrait of an era social and musical through a careful reconstruction of historical and geographical.
The story is set in La Spezia in 1944, during the bombings. Nicholas is a young twenty year old with a passion for music and plays in the band of the country. When they reach the American troops in the city is noted intent on playing a black soldier with his band that parades in the city, Nico will be taken to put on orchestra music that sounds Italian and American, will be dazzled by the new sounds that contact with the American world allows it and decide to become a real trumpet player "Gietz.
The story tells not only the passion of young Nico but also the training and the weight that it has had on music, real social glue, past and present, between different peoples.


Hannes Pasqualini works in Bolzano. It is an illustrator and designer of communication. His cartoons have appeared in magazines such as "resistance" and "future perfect" and "Mono". He founded the group with other collaborators and define their work Monipodio "comics parasites" as a draw iconography and expressive mechanisms from other languages, "Dog Show" and "Lux Aeterna"
belong to this category. In 2009 he won the "Blog & Clouds" with writer Cubber.

Enrico Merlin and acoustic and electric guitars, banjo player and historian of Afro-American Music and Rock. How old is recognized as one of the leading experts of Miles Davis.
As a musician, its main characteristic is to merge acoustic and electric sounds to electronic and computer music without borders, where improvisation is the predominant element. He writes music for film and theater.
He has made numerous recordings and several have participated in many international festivals. And 'member of the following formations: Tiger Dixie Band (which is to recover the evolution of jazz and traditional), CRM114, with Daniele D'Agaro Trio (winner of the Top Jazz 2007) and Mauro Ottolini
and project "Frida" guided by Helga Plankensteiner. / enricomerlin

Mattia Cappelletti began studying classical flute with master Emilio Galante, a self-taught and continues to study jazz flute and sax with an intention more improvisational. Over the years he played in several bands and Trentino, and has performed in numerous concerts.
15 years studying the djeridoo with which he performs with musician Phil Drummy in the 2007 edition of Sounds of the Dolomites. E 'musician dell'Orchextraterrestre . / mattia.htm

Roberto Zecca. Trentino, a student of Furio di Castri, a degree in jazz at the conservatory in Bologna with highest honors, is part of the circle of Italian jazz bassists proudly associated with the electric instrument. Among others he played with Stefano Battaglia, "Blue" Lou Marini, Maria Schneider, Bearzatti Francesco, Gianluca Petrella and many others. For the bulk of the Cs Cinemafutura Bruno has scored along with The Slapstick Quartet live silent film "The ball 13" by Buster Keaton. / robertozecchinelli

Gietz! book trailer from Hanzo on Vimeo .

Blues Solo

RobertoZecchinelli illegal immigrants in our T / earth, wine & read books to enjoy
Screening of two video interviews for a project entitled "Sinti Trentino, memories of a community Forgot:
- interview with gnyug De Bar, Sinto Modena old circus family, born in fascist concentration camp of the Secchia Prignano;
- Interview with Mirco Gabrieli, Sinto Trent, whose family was interned in the camp Via Resia in Bolzano.

The project of collecting oral testimonies of Sinti Trentino is made by the association LXL ( / elleperelle ). Video available: / channels / elleperelle

start live>> Free admission, welcome the signature (the proceeds going to fund projects supporting the culture of Sinti
"Vågan Sinti"
was founded in 2006 around the Sinti community in Rovereto, performing in the parks, after a few months, "Vågan Sinti" make themselves known in Trentino, playing in various festivals and musical evenings in which to carry the culture of Sinti as the main course of the show, as the recital was written by Gian Luca Magagni titled "If I were not born Gypsy" (title taken from a famous poem written by a poet symptoms) where the group acted as a soundtrack with live music.
Vågan Sinti, the group name, it means old syntax and collects all the duo's desire to create a musical marriage between the music of the Gypsy people in the past and the modern city, which expresses the current pace. Friends of Bruno is the first job experience in their third live in the spaces of the center.
The repertoire ranges from traditional Gypsy songs - Chard - the gypsy jazz and swing, with some piece of music 70 years. In many occasions the group expands and then you are prompted with dancers, accordion, guitar, singers, actors and poets.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Had A Threesome With My Husband And A Black Man

Tarlabasi (Istanbul North)

A Paolo and Vittorio, despite the close distance

From Taksim Istiklal kaddesi entrance to Tunel. Especially if you know the way I imagine. I go down to Galata and I look back on fishermen in line and peeped from their shoulders in some coffee, before arriving at the fish market, before looking at the Bosphorus which is reflected in my face contrite and a little distracted. The pinnacles of the minarets surround the lights in the evening there, beneath the lace inlaid tokapi, and the city is ever more shrouded in gray mist. The black ships pass through the corridor of water that leads straight to Asia. Winter already faces and the bulbs of the fish market to evaporate Karakoy a yellowish light and dim, far more subdued. The piles stacked the remains of fish sold and clean, while the fumes of roasted palamuk Balik rise driven by the wind. The voices of fishermen singing yet another fall in the price and makes the last deal. At this time the fish is sold in pieces. Across the bridge that cuts the horn. The men have their hands in your pocket and chew on a waiting hopefully. Fishing rods are firm and straight to the balcony and still resist tearing wind. They are in the bazaars and mosques. Around in the spice markets and finally turn right towards the holy sites of Sultanahmet. At last June and at the bottom of Fatih University, where mosques mingle with the stalls of fruit and fake goods, while men stopping in the cafes and clubs near the aqueduct Valente, sipping turkish cay and reading the sports papers . There are no women around. Pamuk is right, the sadness of this city is a patina that covers all things, a film that any papers you angle, the peaks of the sacred places to fires in the slums. A Tarlabasi there is a seat of the police, the military in a beautiful setting and a tank in museum display. Narrow alleys, garbage piled up, open sewers and a lot of people on the street. No one here speaks English and yet many people do understand with the eyes, with hand gestures. On the facade of a building is a large poster depicting a policeman who fondles a child. Kol Ganat geret. I take care of you. Here a plate of pilaf costs very little while kofte are larger and tastier. Romanians, Kurds and North African countries, but most of all Tarlabasi is the neighborhood children, running in the streets alone, and walk without shaking hands with mothers, barefoot or in shoes much larger than their feet. They have dirty faces, such as coal, white teeth and pale cheeks. They are dangerous games, lighting bonfires, running and smiling. We take pictures and leave a minute after taking my "compact" run to see in the box room at their faces, before exploding in laughter. A Tarlabasi there are no women with the chador. They all have a towel wrapped on his head and at least one gold tooth in his mouth. They tattooed on the face and sometimes garish designs faded arms. Some sell flowers in Taksim, other work at night. Those that know me warmly greet me with a wink. The clothes hanging on the wires as you chase the kids down the street barefoot. The carpets are left hanging for days in the sun, the shadows of rambling buildings in pastel colors and all different in a frenzy of dirt and waste stored. I sit and eat a piece of bread still steaming hot, just delivered from the oven in the square. At my side a man well dressed and polished shoes with it looks to be one that counts around here. Order a child who wanders in to buy him a bike cigarettes. When the child reaches the nods as if to say to keep the rest. From Bar to bring you two cay Turks, one for him one for me. I thank him but he does not respond and look into space by continuing to smoke. Inshallah. God willing. Onur pronounces this word with blowing force closed in a fist-shaped hands and eyes turned to heaven when I say that I like to visit one day the state of Kurdistan. Istklal Caddesi is the usual human swarm, a cold river of people who walks with his head down, at breakneck speed and never indulge in a look or a face to face. Onur asks me if I have the lighter and only when he realizes that I am Italian reveals his identity. Among foreigners understand you. The Kurds fear the Turks alone, and feel at home with foreigners. Because they are still foreigners, even if they live at home.

Friday, January 21, 2011

About Safety Razors What Is The Difference

Wednesday, January 26: Vågan Sinti live not to forget

We apologize for the short notice, but the presentation of the book was canceled because guests are influenced

The event was postponed in late February and mid March. Wednesday evening we will be open, however, with the classic aperitif to read, enjoy books and music in the background.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ryobi 42 In Riding Mower Review

postpone the presentation of the book "Pacha road"

Wednesday, January 19 @ Enolibreria by Jurka in collaboration with the Committee Quincho Barrile Bolzano
19.00 Opening Enolibreria>> aperitif km0 with genuine clandestine our T / earth, wine books to read & enjoy at 20.30

Reading-presentation of

ed. Sensitive to the leaves, 2008 will be present

John, co-author of the book, which will introduce
with short activities and study social issues that are the background of the life of Pacha ('urbanizzazione the poverty, the new buildings without trans-controlling forms of work, etc. .. .) Jarda Jachelini
read of the salient features of the book.
the background throughout the presentation, you will succeed and photos from the periphery of world music theme.

"Pacha, a woman who lives in one of the countless poor barrios of the world. Wait for the next day, to make the company more difficult, the most extreme challenge. Opposite Aura to his niece, a factory worker exploitation at a very high, spread the book of his life. Mythical and magical life. That the door dauna Caribbean beach, where it was born, almost wild, close to an ancient sea, to the heart of a metropolis violent and passionate. Where he experiences the happiness and the horror of a life in the street. (...) It is surrounded Nicaragua in a continuous and chaotic transformation, which leads to conform, adapt, and models to follow the dictates of the First World. But at the same time continues to invent dreams and utopias and fires of popular struggle. (...) In his barrio Pacha tells us about the possibility of blacks through the holes, to reconstruct circles of affection and solidarity, outside economy over the economy. To recover the land and territory. To save them. To save itself. "

GIANLUIGI Gherzi , writer and theater director, winner of the theater" Scenario "and" ETI Stregagatto ", signed texts and directions to some of the most important Italian research diteatro. He has often brought the experience of theater and writing in prisons, self-administered centers, schools and communities. He teaches theater and writing and attention to research and performance on the theme of the meeting between migrant and Italian reality. He lives in Milan.
JOHN Giacopuzzi , assistant to people with disabilities, publicist, is the author of several essays on the Basque country. Collaborates with the association for children and street children in Nicaragua "Los Quinchos.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crest White Strips Singapore Pharmacy

Wednesday, January 19: Reading-presentation of "Pacha of the Road" by Gianluigi Gherzi and John Giacopuzzi

Wednesday, January 12

Moebius Ensemble
Live Jazz - Rock

opening Enolibreria>> aperitif km0 with genuine products of our clandestine T / earth, wine books to read & enjoy

start live >> Free admission

The project Moebius Ensemble was founded in 2007 after experience of experimental music in the street in southern France and northern Italy.

The repertoire ranges from jazz standards to rock classics, the group traces rearranging to fit the organic rather than the original (in fact the line up includes cello, sax, guitar, vocals and percussion).

Chemotti Antonio - guitar and vocals Matt
Facchini - percussion James
Giacomoni - saxophone and vocals
Gianmaria Stelzer - Cello

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eating Disorders Titles

Wednesday, January 12: Moebius Ensemble live Wednesday, December 22 Live

opening concert starts at 20.30 hours 19 We = Trouble presents:

City Slickers: life, noise and cows: from Pinerolo Mr.Occhio mixes the blues with rock and roll, and does so in complete self-sufficiency. One man band disruptive impact, Mr. Eye (former singer of legendary Fichissima) sets in motion a bass drum and guitar fingerpicking and sharp cutting edge. / mrocchioon


Still One man band opened with The Big Sound Of Country Music (Kick, snare and hi-hat pedal stomp-box''or'', lap steel, ukulele, banjo and vocals). Diego Potron a repertoire mainly made up of traditional spirituals (end 800) and rural African-American songs. A blend of blues and roots rock that sinks into the ground damp primeval psychedelia. / diego.potr

on Teaser:

ch? v = NmSD2eyec5o Info:

http://wearetrouble.wordpr /
event on facebook