theatrical Reading "Notes for the revolution"
by and with Beppe Casales
original music by Sergio Marchesini
The revolution is in the air and is increasingly imminent. The lost souls do not expect more. Nourish the night. The plates are taken off the trappings of normalcy. They become what they are: vulgar, inappropriate, sincere and rebels. They understand that the only thing they're really waiting for is the next revolution. They want to speak with the spirits of the great revolutionaries of history, to bring those who have tried to change this all in the past, to understand what we need to do now. Where we have led the revolutions of the past? What's going to happen? Who can show us the way? If he were given the opportunity to speak, what would they say? What is the next revolution?
19.oo opening Enolibreria>> aperitif km0 with genuine products of our clandestine T / earth, wine books to read & enjoy
21:00 early show, admission free
started doing theater in Padua in '96. Work with various directors including Toni Servillo production "Work makes you free" (with Anna Bonaiuto and Michela Cescon), with Rocco Di Santi (Caserta), Alberta Tonini (Venice), Vanda Moretti (Venice), Wes Howard (Toulouse) . Wrote and acted in theater, civil monologues as "Einstein was right" and "Salud."
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