Friday, March 18 20.30
- free admission
ELECTRIC LEAK - A project of residences to places of musical theater.
Alberto Fiori - piano, Christian
Ferlaino - sax,
John Falvey - drums
Francesco Guerri - cello.
Electric Leak is a project of residential areas in musical theater, who was born in the years 2008 / 2010.
The project, which as a result of the dossier, was developed and had the support of the Theatre Santarcangelo, Ortosonico Pavia, Teatro Petrella Longiano, Peter Babina which handled the staging, and beats, radio program broadcast on Radio 3 Rai and led by Saul Pino.
The new album - Electric Leak, came out with rave reviews, to name a few Alias \u200b\u200band Rockerilla.
addition, the disc has been inserted between the 10 best of 2010 list of Henry's Ramunni Rockerilla!
Through the link the video of the concert, the exhibition mounted by the director Peter Bolognese Babina. [ concert video made at the Bologna Yes - (October 2010) ]
Steps and location of the disc creation ELECTRICL LEAK and its staging (2008-2010).
Electric Leak was thinking about the impossibility and futility, today, a "purity" and often unsuccessfully pursued a rigorous style. The ongoing investigation into the radical and essential problem of artistic communication led us to identify as a neutral background, such as field studies on which to operate this meeting, this hearing landscape, but also social and relational that has as its immediate musical expression and the rock electronic music. These languages, in their being forms of musical communication of mass, both in their meanings more common in the most extreme, we need to pick to penetrate those aspects of explosives, and opposing a reality otherwise impermeable. Hence the need to develop Electric Leak in a path of artistic residencies. The theaters in which we have become observers were hosted through which peek, right into the cracks, the world around them. The main idea that led to the birth of the quartet and has simultaneously marked the development is an intersection between the language of jazz and improvisation on the one hand and that of electronic and electro-acoustic music on the other.
EL has developed its work within a path of residencies in musical theater, distributed over a period of time, from 2008 to 2010.
July 13, 2008 Participation in "Power without Power"
Santarcangelo Festival of Theatre 2008
First Act
10-24 October 2008 @ Santarcangelo residence of the Theatres,
Santarcangelo di Romagna (Rimini), Theatre Wash
October 24 21.15 - Open rehearsal
Act Two
11-15 November 2008 @ Ortosonico residence, Giussago (PV)
November 15 - Concert, and following the evening broadcast on Radio 3 Beats
Act Three
18/19 / December 20 2008 residency @ Theatre Petrella, long (FC)
December 20 - Final Concert
Act IV
@ Yes residence in June 2010 - Bologna
work on the installation stage with Peter Babina
Act fifth
October 7 to 9 @ home Yes, Bologna
October 9 carefully stage concert of Peter Babina
EL is an instrumental quartet born in Bologna in 2007. From the outset the interaction between composition and improvisation was the power of dialectic that characterized the group.
The main idea that led to the birth of the quartet and has simultaneously marked the development is an intersection between language jazz and improvisation on the one hand and that of electronic and electro-acoustic music on the other. The ongoing investigation into the radical and essential problem of artistic communication led us to identify as a neutral background, such as field studies on which to operate this meeting that hearing landscape, but also social and relational that has as its immediate musical expression and Rock music mail. These languages, in their being forms of musical communication of mass, both in their most common meanings in the most extreme, we need to pick to penetrate those aspects of explosives and antithetical to a reality otherwise impermeable.
EL - Electric Leak
Christian Ferlaino: soprano, alto and baritone saxophones, Alberto
Flowers: Wurlitzer piano, synth, toy piano, electron ics,
Francesco Guerri: cello, objects,
Giovanni Falvo: drums, percussions
Care of the concert stage Electric Leak, Peter Babina
EL path is characterized by the coexistence of different artistic elements, is currently being processed, and the development of the project and its musical score. The music of electrick Leak took place in a purely theatrical forms, interacting with them in a dynamic pace of work, organization, promotion and future prospects, very different from the reality of the production conditions music.
The quartet's next project in 2011 -2013, is directed towards the creation of a new album and concert. EL, a project deemed to be able to develop research dynamics stemming from Electric Leak; want to strengthen some aspects.
Some steps for the next two years.
The residences will take place in theatrical contexts, both Italian and foreign, in the desire to create new collaborative synergies with the European countries, thus giving a broader project.
The work carried out in the Final Project 2008 - 2010, the search path on care and stage presence, played by theater director Peter Babin will be channeled and elaborated in the project from 2011 to 2013. The synergies which occur during the creation and production will lead to the creation of a show more and more innovative in musical languages, arriving at a staging at the boundary between a concert and a theatrical performance.
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