The remedy today comes from the tree of China and scientifically it is also called Cinchona Succirubra, part of the family Rubiaceae.
The dried bark of the branches contains several alkaloids including the most famous and 'quinine which is used in particular in South America against malarial fevers.
A curiosity 'and regards this remedy as' the first to be studied by Hahnemann and the theory of these studies was similar and the results had important that you know.
L 'intoxication' s healthy individual develops symptoms of central nervous system signs such as strong and pale skin, profuse sweating, general feeling of fatigue and sleepiness. Gastro intestinal bloating, diarrhea after exhausting every meal along with the congestion are the head and palpitations typical remedy for this, are also possible bleeding, tinnitus and visual disturbances.
claims that features so I see a fairly frequent use will be burden of recovering from serious illnesses with bleeding and phenomena of anemia, headaches and intestinal pain with diarrhea.
then use the Find 9CH three grains every half hour with diarrhea, swelling and fatigue, improving symptoms, as always, the administration distances itself.
When we saw him bleeding to advise 5ch three grains every ten minutes.
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